Hamptons, Calgary, Alberta Real Estate and Homes for Sale
Nearly 95% of the population of this neighbourhood own their home and the remainder are renters. The predominant housing types in this area are single detached homes and townhouses. This neighbourhood experienced its most significant building boom between 1990 and 2000, so most of the available properties are from this time period. This area offers mainly three bedroom and four or more bedroom homes. Read more about Hamptons real estate
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The preferred means of transportation in this neighbourhood is very often a car. It is especially convenient to find a parking spot, and most homes for sale are a reasonably short drive from the nearest highway. On the other hand, travelling by transit can be challenging in this area as a result of the low service level. Nonetheless, homeowners have access to a few bus lines, and bus stops are typically nearby. Hamptons is not very well-suited for walking since very few common errands can be run on foot. Hamptons is also not very conducive to biking because. Nonetheless, there are not many elevation changes to challenge bicycle riders.
Primary schools are easy to get to on foot from most homes for sale in this part of the city. In contrast, Hamptons does not have any high schools. When it comes to food, some house buyers in Hamptons may have the option to do their groceries on foot, while others will have to use another means of transportation. Residents of this area are served by a few restaurants as well.
Hamptons offers a calm ambience and will appeal to home buyers who enjoy spending time outdoors. There are around 10 parks nearby for residents to check out and they are very well-situated, which makes it very easy to access them from most locations in this area. This part of the city is also very quiet, as there tend to be low levels of noise from traffic.