The Willows, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Real Estate and Homes for Sale
Roughly 90% of the units in the neighbourhood are occupied by homeowners and 10% are occupied by renters. The predominant housing types in this part of the city are single detached homes and townhouses. Most of the housing growth in this neighbourhood has happened after the year 2000. This neighbourhood offers mainly three bedroom and four or more bedroom homes. Read more about The Willows real estate
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The preferred method to get around in this neighbourhood is usually driving. It is a reasonably short drive to the nearest highway from any location in The Willows, and it is very easy to park. However, public transit riders may find very limited options in this part of the city due to the infrequent service. This area is not very well-suited for those who travel by foot as very few common errands can be run without the use of a vehicle.
There are no high schools and no primary schools in The Willows. Furthermore, it can be very hard to get to daycares on foot. Regarding food, some, but not all, house buyers in this area will reside within walking distance of the nearest grocery store. There are a few restaurants in this neighbourhood.
The noise levels in The Willows are low, as the streets are generally quite tranquil. Parks aren't well-spread out, making them sometimes challenging to get to. Still, residents will be able to access public green spaces in nearby neighbourhoods.