Riverdale, Cornwall, Ontario Real Estate and Homes for Sale
Roughly 90% of the population of this neighbourhood own their home whereas the rest are renters. Single detached homes and townhouses are the main housing type in this part of the city. Around half of properties in this part of Cornwall were constructed prior to the 1960s, while the majority of the remaining buildings were built in the 1960s. This neighbourhood also has quite a good selection of unit sizes; although this area is notable for those looking for three bedroom homes. Read more about Riverdale real estate
Carriage Trade
The car is usually the best method to navigate Riverdale. Finding a place to park is generally easy. However, Riverdale is not very transit friendly. Thankfully, house owners are served by a few bus lines, and bus stops are not very far from most residences. Riverdale is not very well-suited for those who travel by foot since few common errands can be run without the use of a vehicle.
A vehicle is generally required in Riverdale to access the closest supermarket. Residents of this area can enjoy a few restaurants. With regards to education, primary schools and daycares are convenient to access on foot from any location in this part of the city. However, Riverdale does not have any high schools.
Riverdale is a very good neighbourhood to buy a house in for those who prefer a relaxed environment. There are a few public green spaces close by for residents to discover and they are very well-located, which makes it easy to access them. This part of Cornwall is very quiet overall, as the streets are very calm.