Wedgewood, Halifax, Nova Scotia Real Estate and Homes for Sale
About 85% of the population of this neighbourhood own their home and 15% are renters. Single detached homes are the most common housing type, representing about 70% of dwellings in this area, while small apartment buildings are also present in the housing stock. Roughly 30% of properties in this neighbourhood were constructed in the 1960s and 1970s, while the majority of the remaining buildings were built pre-1960 and in the 1980s. This area is primarily composed of four or more bedroom and three bedroom homes. Read more about Wedgewood real estate
The best method of transportation in Wedgewood is very often a car. The majority of real estate listings are a short car ride from the closest highway, and it is especially convenient to park. On the other hand, the public transit system in this area is fairly poor. Nonetheless, the neighbourhood is served by a few bus lines, and bus stops are not very far-removed from most homes. It is inconvenient for pedestrians to move around in this part of Halifax because few day-to-day errands can be run on foot.
Parents and their children will appreciate that no matter where their property is situated in Wedgewood, daycares and primary schools are close by. However, there are no high schools in this part of Halifax. When it comes to food, purchasing one's groceries usually demands the use of a car in Wedgewood. There are a limited number of opportunities for those who appreciate restaurants in close proximity.
The character of Wedgewood is exemplified by its calm environment. It is very easy to access green spaces since there are a few of them nearby for residents to relax in. This area is also very quiet, as there isn't a lot of street noise or city clamour.