Delton, Edmonton, Alberta Real Estate and Homes for Sale
Roughly 55% of the units in the neighbourhood are occupied by homeowners and renters occupy the remainder. Single detached homes are the most common housing type, representing the majority of dwellings in this part of Edmonton, and the remaining homes are mainly small apartment buildings and duplexes. Most of the housing growth in this neighbourhood happened before the 1960s. This part of Edmonton also has a good selection of housing sizes; properties range from lofts to four or more bedrooms. Read more about Delton real estate
Delton offers house buyers several alternative means of transportation. Delton is a fairly pleasant part of Edmonton for travelling by public transit by reason of a few nearby bus lines. Walking is also practical for home buyers in Delton; most daily needs are easy to meet on foot. This part of Edmonton is reasonably bike-friendly because there are a fair number of bike lanes, and bicycle riders do not encounter serious slopes.
Families will value that wherever their home is situated in this part of the city, primary schools and daycares are nearby. However, Delton does not contain any high schools. In terms of eating, both general and specialty grocery stores are typically accessible within a rather short walk from most homes for sale in Delton. Likewise, those who like to dine in restaurants will have a fair number of options.
People who prefer a slower-paced ambience will enjoy Delton. This area is quiet overall, as noise from streets and other parts of the city is rarely an issue. Finally, green spaces are especially well-located and there are a few of them nearby for residents to visit, which makes it easy to get to them.