Thorncliffe, Calgary, Alberta Real Estate and Homes for Sale
Roughly two thirds of the population of this neighbourhood own their home whereas the remainder are renters. Single detached homes and townhouses are the predominant housing type in this neighbourhood. About half of properties in this area were constructed between 1960 and 1980, while the majority of the remaining buildings were built pre-1960. This neighbourhood is primarily composed of four or more bedroom and three bedroom homes. Read more about Thorncliffe real estate
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It is convenient for people walking to move around in this part of the city; meeting daily needs is easy on foot. However, this neighbourhood is not very suited for cycling because. Nonetheless, bicycling is made easier by the generally flat terrain. Cars are a very good transportation option in Thorncliffe. It is a rather short drive to the closest highway from any location in Thorncliffe, and parking is easy. In contrast, the public transit service in Thorncliffe is not particularly frequent. Thankfully, the neighbourhood is linked by approximately 10 bus lines, and bus stops are usually nearby.
It is typically practical for home buyers in Thorncliffe to purchase groceries on foot. Likewise, a coffee shop is often just around the corner, and there are also a few restaurants in Thorncliffe. Concerning education, daycares and schools are easy to access on foot from any location in this neighbourhood.
Home buyers who prefer a relaxed atmosphere will enjoy Thorncliffe. The noise levels in this part of Calgary are especially low, as the streets are generally very tranquil. Lastly, there are about 20 parks nearby for residents to explore and they are very well-distributed, resulting in them being very easy to get to from a large number of locations in Thorncliffe.